The games have begun! Team rounds 1-8 were played today. We won some, we lost some; everyone had a good time. Watch the live stats tomorrow at as we play rounds 9-11 starting at 9:40AM. National Bible Bowl on Facebook also gives updates and links. You can also search social media using #nbb57 to see all the wacky challenge videos the kids have participated in this week.
The players have been working on memorizing 90 Bible verses since August. Besides the Quote Bee competition, the Bible Bowlers have been given an exciting challenge and incentive to keep up the good work and recite their verses to sponsors during their free time here at Milligan. Points earned can be redeemed for a variety of prizes, including candy and gift cards, with the Grand Prize Drawing being a $100 Amazon gift card!
And what kid doesn’t love ice cream?!! We finished up Tuesday evening with an ice cream social, more outdoor games, group trivia, and a Bible Bowl version of Family Feud.
Looking forward to another great day here at Milligan’s beautiful campus!