Better late than never. So let's get right to it.
Tonight at 6:30 at church, bible study starts on 1 Peter.
Tomorrow Night
Fall Fest at the White Water Christian Service Camp ! Oct. 29th @ 5:00.
Sunday Night Service Oct 31 Scriptures
Ex. 21
Deut. 15
Gal. 5:17
John 20:19-20
John 10
Ex. 29:1 & 20
Lev. 14:: 1-4
Security duty
Oct 31 Dave and DeeDee Helton
Nov. 7 Derek and Wayne Stahl
The Rising Sun Free Store Thanksgiving and Christmas food drive is coming. They do need extra things from us this year. There will be a donation box for cash and check donations in the foyer. Make your check out to Pleasant Ridge. All donations need to be turned in by December 12th.
We are going to be getting Poinsettias early this year. They will be $15. If you want to purchase one there are slips to fill out in the basket on the table in the foyer. Write who they are in memory of and from who. You can leave a $15 check made out to Pleasant Ridge Church of Christ. Cash is fine also.
WCEF Dinner and Meeting
Thurs. Nov.4th 6:30 here in the fellowship hall
Everyone is welcome. Dinner is provided. We are planning on 100 or so people attending. I’m asking for our church to make desserts for this event. Let me know if you can make something. Thanks Ginger
Breakfast at Jack's
Since the WCEF dinner is the first Thurs. of the month, I think it would be best to do Breakfast at Jack's on the second Fri. morning in Nov. So on Friday, Nov. 12th at 9:30 we will meet at Jack's for breakfast. Please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board. I need to be able to tell them how many to expect.
Bobby White was blessed with two new kidneys!!!!!
Prayer Needs
The Family of Larry Thayer
Family of Janet Walton
The Family of Josh Foster
Family of Kenny Jackson
Bonita Adams
Jackie Hastings Jackson
Brian Keith's uncle, Denny Detmer
Saundra and Eddie Petters
John Sneider needs prayers
Sierra Koon
Connie Adkins
Rick Short
Larry Strohl
Arlene UhlmanseikLynn Ryle
Leah Ash
Dee Smith
Mark Gould
Becky Gould
Dominique Gould
Mikie McFadden
Susie Turner
Andrea Hopkins
John Hopkins home