Well we had a pretty good turn out at church last Sunday for the trial sermon. Nothing has been determined yet. Decisions have to be made. Please stay in prayer for all involved. With some of the virus regulations being lifted there are a lot more people out and about. But the virus has not gone away. Please be safe and take precautions when going out. The Elders have decided to not have Sunday school or evening worship services for a while. They are doing this keeping everyone’s safety in mind. There will still be communion out side the church on Saturday afternoons in case you want it. If you still feel it is unsafe, have underline health problems or you are feeling ill yourself please do not attend the am worship service. No harm done. Things will get normal again. It may be a new kind of normal but normal again. God bless you all!
We have two graduates this year. We won’t be able to honor them with a banquet but please take time to send them a card.
Josephine Charlise Potter
Join her family for a celebration in honor of Josie’s achievements. Open House at The Potter Residence
Haylee Anne Desmarais
Haylee will not be having a graduation celebration so you can help honor her with cards.
Prayer needs:
The family of Ernest Worthington
Angel Adams’ husband Brian
Bill Marksberry
Jeanie Siekma
Andrew & Kristin has Kristin Rice (Barb and Jerry Koons granddaughter) has a new baby. Baby Aden 8’2 - 21” finally here, Mother & baby both doing good! Thanks for all the prayers!
Bible lesson: Mike Stahl
Lesson 5 – Overview of Jesus’ Life, Death, and Resurrection – Part 11
(Based on the Gospel According to Mark) This lesson’s verse is Mark 8:34
And He summoned the crowd with His disciples, and said to them, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.” (NASB)
Lesson – Institution of the Lord’s Supper:
It is the week preceding the crucifixion. After much recorded activity on Tuesday, the Bible does not record any of Jesus’ activities on Wednesday, and many believe that it was a day of rest for Him. Knowing that His crucifixion would be the next day on Friday, Jesus spent Thursday evening with the disciples. Jesus had the Passover meal with the disciples. As part of this, He also instituted the Lord’s Supper. It was also during this time that Jesus washed the disciples’ feet and gave them final instructions. This lesson will focus on the Lord’s Supper (the “last supper”).
Read Mark 14:12-31
Who did Jesus send to prepare for the Passover meal? (1) __________ and (2) ________ (See also Luke 22:8)
Who did Jesus tell them to look for? A man carrying a (3) ______ of __________
Carrying water in Jesus day was typically work for women. So it would be quite unusual to see a man doing this. Not that this would make it easy for them to find the man. With all of the visitors to Jerusalem for the Passover, there may have been as many as 3 million people in the city, according to some estimates. But the man carrying water certainly would be noticeable when they did see him. The man then led Peter and John to the home where preparations for the Passover meal had been made for Jesus and the disciples.
How did Peter and John refer to Jesus when asking the owner of the house about a guest room for the Passover meal? (4) ______________
Referring to Jesus in this way may imply that the owner of the house was already a believer. Jesus’ ministry had been active for 3-1/2 years by this time. We also see later (for example in Acts) that there were strong believers in Jerusalem even before the establishment of the Church on the Day of Pentecost a few weeks later.
Sending only 2 disciples to prepare the Passover meal for all and not giving them explicit directions (i.e., the address) may have been a strategy used by Jesus to ensure the evening would go as planned. Jesus knew that Judas would make the final betrayal that evening, and disclosing the location to any or all may have changed the timing and plans for the time with the disciples that evening. Jesus had a lot to cover with the disciples that evening.
How did Peter and John find things when they met the owner of the house? (5) ________ as ____ had ________ them.
This could mean that Jesus had pre-arranged this. Or it could be that Jesus knew because He is God.
How were Jesus and the disciples seated at the table? They were (6) __________________.
Read Exodus 12:11. Earlier, the Passover had been eaten while standing, in remembrance of the first Passover and beginning of the Exodus. Apparently, the tradition of the Jews had changed between the time of the first Passover and the time of Jesus.
What news did Jesus shock the disciples with during the meal? That one of them would (7) ____________ Him.
Who was the betrayer? Why didn’t the disciples stop him? (8) __________. They apparently did not understand that he was the (9) ________________. Read John 13:26-30
While instituting the Lord’s Supper, what did Jesus do before giving the disciples the bread? He gave (10) ____________.
What did Jesus tell the disciples that the bread represented? His (11) ________
What did Jesus do before giving the disciples the cup (fruit of the vine)? He gave (12) ____________.
What did Jesus tell the disciples the cup represented? His (13) __________ of the (14) ________________, which is poured out for (15) ________.
What instruction did Jesus give the disciples about the Lord’s Supper that is not recorded in Mark’s account? To (16) ________________ to observe it. Read Luke 22:19 and 1 Corinthians 11:24-25
Why do we observe the Lord’s Supper each Sunday? It was the (17) ______________ established by the early, New Testament (18) ____________. Read Acts 20:7
What did Jesus tell the disciples they would all do because of Him? (19) ________ ________
What message of hope did Jesus give the disciples? He would (20) ____ __________ of them to Galilee.
What message of hope has Jesus given us? He has gone ahead to (21) ______________ a __________ for us. Read John 14:1-6
Other accounts of the institution of the Lord’s Supper are found in Matthew 26:26-30, Luke 22:14-23, and 1 Corinthians 11:23-30.
The Lord’s Supper is the most important part of each Sunday worship service. Remembering Jesus’ death on the cross and His victory over that death should never become rote or monotonous. How could it? It is the most significant event in all of history. Jesus’ sacrifice made it possible for us to be with Him in Heaven – the place He has gone ahead to prepare for us, if we have accepted Him on His terms and become Christians.
(1) Peter
2) John
3) jar of water
4) Teacher
5) Just as He had told them.
6) reclining
7) betray
8) Judas
9) betrayer
10) thanks
11) body
12) thanks
13) blood
14) covenant
15) many
16) continue
17) pattern
18) Church
19) Fall away
20) go ahead
21) prepare a place