What a beautiful week we are having. Thank you Lord!
Tomorrow night , Thursday June 17th, Bible Study in the fellowship hall.
Caleb Henry's
Personal Graduation Party
Here at the church fellowship hall.
Everyone is welcome!
Security team this Sunday, June 20th
Veronica and Jimmy Breeck
Security team Sunday, June 27th
DeeDee and Dave Helton
Prayer Needs
Family of Lucy Johnson Family of Robert Smith Family of Connie Knotts VBS Paula Smith (Liz Turner's aunt) Jeff Hastings Mary Lou Kirkpatrick Norris Works Richard Chipman Tommy Johnson April Troxel Hospice has been called in Otto Conley, he is in a lot of pain. Ernestine (ET) Widener Raymond Kirkpatrick Matthew Adams was not able to leave for Portugal again. Everything is on hold. Paul Walton Minnie Stevens Jodi Steven is in quarantine at RS Waters. He is there for rehab. Please send him a card if you get a chance: 504 Rio Vista Ln., Rising Sun, IN 47040 Anonymous person waiting on a liver transplant. Anonymous person having abdominal pain, Mary Reid and Dorothy Griffith Kristen Earl's Uncle Lawrence Dana Thomason is changing eye doctors because she isn't getting answers. Pray for good results. Veronica and Jimmy Breeck's friend's dad had a liver transplant. Jimmy Breeck's sister is taking her state boards to become an RN today.