I hope all is well with you and your family!
Some good news, Angie Stahl is working on taking over the Card Ministry. Thank you Sissy Works for the time you spent working on it. This ministry is a lot more demanding than it seems. Staying on top of those on the prayer chain, those who have not been to church in awhile and those that just need to know we are praying for them. Angie has a lot of great ideas and wants to grow this ministry to be an outreach to the community not just within our church. Watch for more info in the bulletin and Wed. updates. Pray for Angie as she starts working with this ministry.
I still have up the sign up sheets for this year. There are things to be done and events to have. Sign up and if Covid or something changes the plans we will let you know.
There is a Sign out/ Sign in sheet in the coat closet for the Wheelchair and walkers. If you need to use these items you are welcome but please sign them out when you take them and then back in when you bring them back. That way we know where they are at all times. Thank you.
Davon Huss is preaching this Sunday the 17th. His sermon is on 1Samuel 22:1-5 and Psalm 142
Prayer Needs
Bill Marksberry
Butch Droege
Carole Madison
Gail Short
Myra Walston
Gracelynn Abplanap
Jody Aylmer (Jimmy Breeck's sister)
Steve Robinson
Kathy Robinson (Steve Robinson's wife )
Gene Roberts
Jessica Scott and Brennan
John Metz
Pray for our Country
Janet Holder
Willie Romans
Butch Adams