Sorry, time just got away from me yesterday. So let's get to it.
Thanks to all those who helped me decorate and get ready for Easter! You all know who you are.
Sunday is Easter and we are ready to celebrate the resurrection.
Pleasant Ridge Church of Christ
8:30 Sun Rise Service (communion will be offered)
Continental Breakfast and fellowship
10:20 Easter Service Davon Huss Preaching
All pews are open for seating. Masks are welcomed but not required.
Bible Study is every THURSDAY at 6:30 in the fellowship hall.
We are studying the book of Acts.
Please join us. It's time to be together again in God's word.
Teen/Young adult Ministries
7th-12th graders
Veronica and Jimmy are back !!!!
They are starting their youth group back up.
SUNDAY, APRIL 11, 5:30-7:00pm
Come and enjoy good times and study.
Prayer Needs
Anita Jones still needs prayers.
Paul Walton and family need prayers
Bill Marksberry
Bill Fisher
Vanessa Fisher’s brother-in-law Teddy Johnson
Don Hume needs prayers.
Ron York
Joey Poston
Luann White
Bob Koons needs prayers.
Continue to pray for those with covid. It is still out there making people extremely sick.
Josh Henry
Janet Walton
Colten Shirmer
Brian Powers
Brittany Phillippe
Honk Albright needs prayers. This is Courtney Hochstrasser Albright’s father-in-law.
Billy Cutter
Russell Thayer Sr. still is need of a lot of prayers
Rusty Thayer Jr. (Terri and Russell Thayer Jr's. son)
Barb and Jerry are better
Jerry Koons grandson, Jake Rose
Steve Robinson
Jodi Benjamin
Dana Thosmason (Don and Debbie's daughter)
David Huber (Kathy Huber's son)
Linda White