I hope you are somewhere warm and cozy. Things are still slow at church because of covid but hopefully that will change soon. There are rumors of a Wednesday/Thursday night Bible study in the works. Kind of an impromptu thing. We would meet in the fellowship hall and social distance. I'm going to put up a signup sheet on the bulletin board for those that are interested, please sign up.
Please continue to be in prayer for our elders. They are still in search of a preacher for Pleasant Ridge Church of Christ. They understand that we need a permanent minister but the "pickins are slim". They are in need of our help by praying that God leads them to the right man, or the right man is led to us. Please keep them and the situation itself in your prayers.
Thank you,
Prayer Request
Family of Mike Poling
Doris Works
Ben Davidson
Anita Jones
Austin Piston (Donna Bailey's nephew)
Joey Piston (Austin's dad)
Paul Walton and family needs prayers
Otto Conley
Gene Roberts
John Buddenburg
Brian Powers
Allis Powers
Bill Marksberry needs prayers for strength.
Kennedy (Eli’s Helton’s girlfriend’s sister)
Bonita Adams
Will (Kait Bailey’s coworker)
Austin Piston has covid and double pneumonia.
Abbie Bailey’s baby
Butch Parson
Harold Crawford (Robin Selix’s dad)
Timmy Teke