Last Sunday George Potter had to speak with only 30 minute warning. Wow! Put on the spot!
He did a great job! He spoke about regrets. What were some of our biggest regrets. If your mind is like mine it went straight to material things. Why did I get rid of that. Why didn’t I buy that. George confirmed I wasn’t the only one that thought that way. Lol But he quickly brought me back to reality. What about the people I haven’t spoke to about Christ. Don’t I regret not talking to my childhood friend about God. Wow ! Smack ! He quoted scripture and reminded us of the story of Lazarus in Abraham’s bosom, while the rich man watched on and begged for Lazarus to go tell his ( the rich man’s) family about Christ. The rich man was regretting where he was and how he had lived. He didn’t want his family to experience the same torture he was going through. You know George didn’t speak long. He didn’t have too. His message was simple and to the point. Sometimes that’s what we need. Read that passage Luke 16:22-31. Think about your regrets. Who are they and why aren’t we sharing the word with them.
Well the final numbers are in. We helped 109 kids to start back to school with our supply bags. 16 bags were left over and were taken to the school nurse to give out to those who needed them. The nurse was greatly appreciative. She said this year they were needed because of the parents being out of work. With all your donations, the churches part was minimal. We had several show up to help the night before and the day of the give away. This was a very rewarding event. Thanks to all those who participated in one way or another.
We are going to try to combined the church picnic and the fall party. No date or time has been set. According to how the regulations with the pandemic goes we are also in hopes of having the fall revival. Pray for these two events that we will be able to fellowship and worship together.
Here is a link to the Potter group. If you do not have a face book account I’m sorry to say you won’t be able to watch . Thanks for sharing your God given talents !!!!
Prayer needs:
Seb Walston Please pray for all involved.
Scott is a friend of Todd Stegall's.
Pray for the Waters Nursing Home in Rising Sun
Elizabeth Wickey
Hank Youso (Jim Baileys friend from service)
Elizabeth Jones
Cathy Droege
Bill Fisher
Bob Bailey