Mark Snow, our new preacher, is here officially! He is moving in today. Stop by the parsonage and introduce yourself and let him know how glad we are that he is here. His first sermon is this Sunday 5th. Come and hear him.
I want to thank the Pleasant Ridge Church of Christ for letting me use the church for my cousins, Brandon Foutty's, funeral dinner this week. I would also like to thank all those people that helped in so many ways. What a wonderful way to witness to others.
Family Camp at Whitewater Christian Service Camp is from Friday, Sept 3 at 5pm through Monday Sept 6. Meals provided. No cost, but free will donations accepted. There will be family oriented activities during the afternoon and speakers in the mornings/evenings.
No Youth Group this Sunday because of family camp.
Security this Sunday 5th
Steve and Ginger Bailey
Sunday 12th
Barb and Jerry Koons
Prayer Needs
Family of Ruby Sheets
Family of Dan Combs
Family of Brandon Foutty
Family of Garry Facemire (Butch Adams' cousin)
Bethany Rider
Dorothy Griffith
John Sneider needs prayers
Jeanie Moore
Bill Clifton
Marty Harvey’s coworker’s son had to have his leg amputated.
Glenn Potts
Lyvia Steele
Patty Helton
Brenda Sheldon
Berlis Brittain
Steve Bailey
Delberta Hamilton
Donal Snelling
Kathleen Rux
Bonita Adams
Kenny Works
Jenna Williams
Kathleen Rux
Andy Schmidt
Helen Niccum's friend Jim
Friends of Debbie Scheiner George, Leanne and their daughter
Kathy Burgess Holland and her husband
Aj, Tanner and Kian Phillippe
Dean and Tina Henry
George Potter