Hello Brothers and Sisters,
Couple things going on. First, I'm going to be out of town this weekend for Otto Connley's funeral. I will be doing the bulletin for Sunday tomorrow (Thurs.) So if you need to get something in please get with me first thing tomorrow.
Sorry for such short notice.
VBS is almost here. We are still in desperate need of leaders. Your job is to go with the kids to their stations and help them when needed. You don't teach, you just lead them around. It is impossible to have VBS without people in this position.
The teachers and workers are there to provide the children with info and activities. They can not do their job and take care of 15 kids at the same time. PLEASE let me know if you can help in this area. Text or call 812-584-5327 Ginger
Also notice we opened VBS up to high schoolers too. Grades 6th - 12th will be doing a work program. They will be helping clean the parsonage basement and paint.
VBS is in need of the small 8oz bottles of water for snack time and Friday night the 30th.
Speaking of Friday night ! Our closing program will be a Family Fun Night at the church. Hamburger/Hot Dogs and all kinds of fun.
We will also be talking about our mission project this year which is to raise enough money to help build a heated shower house at the White Water Christain Church Camp. We will be taking up an offering to help the kids reach their goal.
Please spread the word so we can reach out to the community through the kids and pray for VBS.
Security team this Sunday July 11-17
Steve Koons and ?
Security team next Sunday July 18-24
Courtney Hachstrasser and Wayne Stahl
Family of Otto Connley
Family of Brady Gabbard
Jeff Hastings
Tommy Johnson
Kristen Earl's Uncle Lawrence
Jason Bradley
Patty Tibbs needs prayers
Lily Lawson
Debbie Scheiner's sister and the people in AZ dealing with high temps and wildfires.
Sarah (Marty Harvey's niece) needs prayers.
Tom Haskins (Jennifer Brittain s friends husband)
Tracy Stegall
Donna Cooper (Jan Rose s cousin)
Logan Day
Lyvia Steele
Matt Adams
Connie Schmidt (Kristen Earl s Aunt)
Connie Adkins needs prayers.